Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Rough Draft

The Bradford Group in Nashville Tennessee is one of the top 10 marketing agencies that specialize in media relations and publicity for entrepreneurs and middle market companies. This agency creates contagious conversations that build brands, as well as intergrading inbound and outbound marketing, social media and public relations. To better understand the idea of this agency it is vital to grasp what skills are needed in maintaining your writing identity. The way in which a person writes in Public relations, in a professional environment, requires the brevity, clarity and persuasiveness of one’s writing to match the form and tone of the targeted audience. Brooke Berger, Account Executive at The Bradford Group, uses credibility when writing for her specific clients by researching facts about the issue, becoming an expert on the subject, and making sure the style and tone of her writing is clear.
            Creating trustworthiness as a writer requires one to research concrete facts that clarify the message to the readers. Brooke explains that when the facts are in line and the article is complete you have a “golden nugget.” This “golden nugget” refers to the finished piece of writing, which maintains credibility based on the research and precision of facts. In her variety of published work at U.S. News & World Reports she interviewed a variety of clients, ranging from a professor at Dartmouth College, a Washington D.C. Journalist and a U.S. Secretary of Education. She set up her interview questions with Professor Charles Wheelean,, the author of “ The Centrist Manifested”, by researching his background and formulating questions that pertain to his published work. Her tag line, “Professor Charles Wheelean explains how two-party politics is failing the United States, but centrists could change the Senate landscape,” incorporates the facts stated in the interview, said by the author. Formulating these interview questions creates a framework for how the article is articulated and how Brooke managed to concisely maintain credibility throughout the segment. The second article Brooke wrote titled “Don’t Teach to the Test” was created by her interview with Journalist Ron Berler who has written for The New York Times and Chicago Tribune. The excerpt from her article that states “Berler recently spoke to U.S. News about what he sees as problems with standardized testing, the lack of school readiness in the youngest students and the role he says parents should play in their children’s academic success.” Brooke had to formulate questions, conduct an interview, and have concrete facts based on the journalists answers, to maintain credibility in that sentence. For her article that interviewed Former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennet, she states that he explains why a college degree may not be worth the cost. How did she maintain credibility when stating that sentence? William Bennet explains in the interview when asked of Americans should keep sending their kids to college by stating “Sometimes. But they shouldn’t automatically or reflexively send their kids to college. They should pause and think. It’s not like deciding to have breakfast or go to bed, it’s more like, say, to get married. It’s a big decision. [There are] a lot of consequences, a lot of costs, a lot of ups and downs. Investigate with your eyes open.” Brooke formulated her tag line based on these concrete facts from the U.S. Secretary of Education, William Bennett.
            Maintaining concise information throughout an article with concrete facts gives you, as a writer, credibility. Another vital aspect when writing is to become an expert on the subject you are reporting, writing or researching. Brooke explained that depending on her variety of clients the way she writes appeals to not only the audience she is writing for, but knowing exactly what words to avoid, key words to hit on and how much the reader actually pulls from the research and structure of the articles. She explained that if she is tailoring her piece to an investment banker, not only will her research will be different, but what she says and how she says it will be too. Her current position at the Bradford Group focuses on marketing, social media and public relations, which gives her as an Account Executive guidelines to specific clients. On the company website there are a variety of cases that the firm works on, and part of their “three-part brand promise” is to generate measurable results for their clients. For example, one of their accounts is an Antique and Garden business that is branded through the firm, and their motto is to promote and make the brand knowledgeable to the world but to also fit the criteria for what the client wants. Another case is a laser hair removal business, in which the firm is responsible for strengthening customer relationships through social media. They have a variety of accounts, and each of these subjects has a specific tagline, meaning and purpose in the promotion process. Brooke is responsible for managing these accounts and finding out how to brand, market and use media so their name is out in the industry. She needs to be an expert on each of these cases to keep her clients and perform successfully. At her previous work at Key Bridge Communications she would do opinion media, public affairs and PR. At this firm she was responsible for media placement and designs and directed client relationships for pharmaceutical and healthcare clients. In her resume it states that she “excel at building and nurturing strong relationships, ensuring client’s interests are continually addressed. Appreciate for instilling confidence, communicating knowledgeably and delivering on expectations.” Her success was translated into creating 430,000 of revenue for the firm by directing project workflow, from inception to placement. Being an expert on her clients led to not only benefiting her successes in her firms, but that strong and dignified relationship with her clients. Her success as a writer has allowed her to market herself well with clients and have professional success throughout her career.
            Creating that relationship with PR clients is an important aspect of how you write, and whom it is you are writing to. The style and tone of a person’s writing is key to making their point clear. Brooke explained in the interview that she can’t entirely detach her style of writing completely, but the importance of finding your voice while still finishing a type of writing is crucial. Tone is known in many different ways, but in writing it is known as “the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing or situation.” Brooke has written a variety of published worked and according to her resume she has written 5-10 op-ed pieces for newspapers nationwide. The way she sets the tone for each of these papers is tailored to the subject, the audience, the newspaper and expectations of the reader. The tone, in each of her published work at U.S. News & World Reports is entirely different than op-ed pieces in the “Southern Manners Matter” which was published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution and later viewed thousands of times on LinkedIn. She mentions that her targeted audience is well known and observed before the completion of her published work. The style of writing is another crucial aspect in the success of her work. Style, in writing is “the literary element that describes the ways that the author uses words — the author's word choice, sentence structure, figurative language, and sentence arrangement all work together to establish mood, images, and meaning in the text.” In each of her published work, the way she writes, what she says and the points she amplifies on are drastically different with each article. The accounts she manages at The Bradford Group are entirely different writing styles than her work in Washington D.C. or her reporting as a journalist in a traditional newsroom. Persuasiveness, facts to support the article and the targeted audience are vital components to the pieces she writes and the style she uses.
            Wrap up each main parapgrah, restate thesis and 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Everything's an Argument Chapter 20

This chapter focused on Plagiarism and finding your Academic Identity. Plagiarism is best known in the reading as "claiming as your own words, research, or creative work of others (pg.436)." It's very simple to cite your sources, as described in 3 easy steps: 1. placing quotation marks around anything you quote directly, 2. citing your sources according to the documentation, 3. Identifying all the sources and having a reference or work cited page. You can paraphrase and use direct quotation as long as you give information about where you got the information at the end of the statement. It it very important to make sure that you cite correctly and use the appropriate quotation marks when necessary.

Annoying Ways that People Use Sources

It is not okay to know the right way to use your sources and still not do it the right way! Your readers are just as annoyed that you aren't using your sources properly as you are when someone is going incredibly slow on the freeway. Follow different conventions for different audiences while you are writing. Don't drop a quotation without introducing it first. Don't start or end a paragraph with a quotation. Don't use the encyclopedia. Make sure to integrate the quote from the previous sentence with the right grammar. Make sure there is a connection between the work cited and the in text citation. Don't use a citation without the proper format.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Thesis Statements

1. To be a good writer you have to become a good writer.

2. Style, clarity and tone are the most important factors in professional writing.

3. When writing to an audience it is vital to maintain credibility while addressing a claim with concerate facts.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Readings Week 6

Everything's An Argument Chapter 16

In Chapter 16, it described how to conduct an academic argument, which can be not be composed quickly, casually or off the top of one's head. It is very important to convey power and authority when you are stating an argument and address you writing to the audience that you are giving the argument to. It must require attention but also deliver important and comprehensible information to any reader. It is very important as a writer to draw upon your sources and build arguments based on the research that you found. You need to find your topic, get to know it, find out what you already know and what you need to do. Then you need to come up with a claim and build your arguments based on your facts. Many people use claims for different reasons, such as reporting, criticizing or advocating for something. A vital piece of your argument should be your audience, the organization and the style and tone.

Understanding Rhetoric Issue 4

In this comic strip it explained how an argument can be a lot like a conversation, and how it is important to talk about more than one side in your argument. It should not be based off who is right or wrong but should argue something that represents a position where a person could disagree. There must be grounded evidence and you must connect a claim ad  that evidence, and make the connection between the two of them very clear. It is also important to have a variety of paragraphs that make it whole.

Shitty First Drafts

In this story I took away that it is very important to realize that very few writers know what they've done until they do it. Most make very terrible first efforts before they have a final product but it is very important to go back and look at your work more than once and also edit what doesn't need to be in there.

The Say, I Say Chapter 7
This section focused on the who cares and so what part of your essay. It is important in your essay to reflect central advice, offer a clear claim and also frame that claim as a response to what someone said, and have it all be backed by research. The structuring of sentences is also very important to allow your readers to understand the who cares part of your argument. So what should address why the readers may not care but that they SHOULD care.

Although many seems to concerned about____ it should in fact concern anyone who cares about ____

Monday, August 3, 2015

Possible Interview Questions

Possible Interview Questions

You’ve worked at a variety of  P.R. firms. How has your writing style varied with each firm?
How important is tailoring your writing to your audience?

You have a variety of published work. What has been your most rewarding writing experience and why?

How important, is writing style in your job?

I’ve seen that many of your pieces have been viewed by 1,000+ people. How do you tailor to such a large audience?

I see that you have been and are currently a  Ghost Writer, do you research how that client writes and is before writing under their name?

As a writer, how have you been credible to your audiences?

How has social media helped or hindered your authentic writing style?

Has your writing aided in your job offers and promotions?

What is a critical when starting, and ending a piece of writing?

Has your personal style of writing been projected in each of your pieces?

Would you say that your writing varies from client to client?

Have you gained personal growth through your job experience in writing?

If you had one piece of advice for prospective writer’s, what would you tell them?

Readings Week 5

"How to Read Like a Writer"

A quote that really stuck out to be from this reading was "I came to realize that all writing consists of a series of choices." I really thought this quote amplified the point of the reading, because as a writer, while you are writing you are making a choice about what to say. In the reading the author stated that it is very important to locate what you think was the most important writerly choices in the piece of writing. When you a reading like a writer it is very important to to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed and how you can build one yourself. It is very important to consider the context, the audience you are writing for and the techniques you use. When reading it is vital to prioritize your reading and make effective remarks when you are reading the piece of writing. The language of the writer is also very important.

"They Say I Say" Chapter 11

I thought in this reading that main points that came from reading through this were that it is important to frame your comments to something someone has already said in a class discussion so their point isn't forgotten about. However, if you want to bring up a different point you should state that you understand where they are coming from but you are changing the subject. And it is also very important to be articulate with your points, because when speaking and trying to project your ideas you really need to be clear to your listeners.

"They Say I Say" Chapter 9

The main idea that I got from this reading is that it is very important to mix up informal and formal writing techniques in your writer. If it's too informal or too formal you might not be gaging your audience as effectively. Once again it was reiterated that you really need to consider your audience and purpose.


Monday, July 27, 2015

Artifact Analysis

I analyzed 3 different types of artifacts and used the guidelines about genres to help me, hence why the format is the same. I will bring each artifact to class, but this is the analysis I got from each of them. 

Artifact Analysis #1: Cover Letter

Context and Function:

1.     A cover letter might be set to a possible job opportunity and can give the person that you want the job from an overview of your experience and why you want to work there.
2.     This artifact usually pertains to a background of what the person’s training has been in the past. The skills and assets they have and how that could help them in their potential future job, also past experience and personal skills that could aid them in their new position.
3.     The writer in this circumstance is writing about herself, and is trying to give an overview of what her past work experience has been and how this new job can benefit from hiring her. Usually the potential boss or hirer will read this cover letter.
4.     The purpose is to get a job or at least land an interview at a potential company that you want to work for.

Textual Features:

1.     Formal, concise and to the point, direct, variety of vocabulary, short paragraphs
2.     Past work experience, personal skills, explaining an overview of themselves and why they would be a good asset for the position. It does not include slang language and is very professional.
3.     Evidence: past work experience, positive feedback on their personal responses from their work, self assessment
4.     Highly trained, great personal development skills, best fit for the job
5.     Email formant, short and to the point, formal, uses sincerely and is very professional
6.     Layout is email format, short paragraphs, direct about past experience and skills
7.     Well thought out and articulated sentences that best describe the person in a professional way
8.     Professional, concise, to the point, articulates skills, high vocabulary, no slang

Implied or assumed features

1.     Know what a good cover letter looks like and how it should be set up
2.     Professional piece of writing, not one would read it just because
3.     Believing this person is capable of the job, wanting it and articulating it in the message
4.     Professional and work experience is most important and explaining personal skills so they sound best fit for the position
5.     Formal, honest, concise, professional and a “please hire me” tone
6.     It is not directed towards to world, focuses on a professional job position

Artifact Analysis #2: Advertisement

Context and Function:

1.     Advertisement, bold colors, statement, the texts are usually minimal and the picture is usually the focal point
2.     For people who want to travel at a good price, the price is the focal point of the advertisement
3.     Traveling, special prices and offers, anyone looking to get a good airline ticket would read this advertisement
4.     Informed about a special deal, traveling to a certain place, informs them of the price and the place they could go for that specific trip

Textual Function

1.     Different sizes of fonts, some are bold others are not, the special deal and price are the focal point
2.     Price, details, trip, airplane picture
3.     The price the trip the details and dates shown
4.     The price is at 99 not at 400, deceives the brain, it’s special so that’s focused on, gives you time frame
5.     Usually they are small, with a focal point, colorful, with little wording but still gets the main idea across
6.     The layout is usually a box, words are minimal and images are seen the most
7.     Usually not more than a few words per sentence, informative but short
8.     Very direct, wants the product sold and shows info very minimally

Implied or Assumed Features

1.     That it’s a special offer and it’s a cheap flight for how far it is, they have to know how expensive flights are compared to this one, need a time frame and future details
2.     Anyone is invited
3.     Cheap, efficient and special, a “deal”
4.     Getting a flight for the cheapest amount, airline is not expressed so it may not be as important to the person
5.     Buy this deal because it is special, sell the product and make a profit
6.     This advertisement will hopefully sell to anyone that sees it

Artifact Analysis #3: Argumentative Essay

Context and Function:

1.     For an English class, usually found based on research, claims and personal experience
2.     Addresses the issues of single parent struggle and how much that directly affects the child living in that situation
3.     Persuades people to believe that it does affect a child born in this situation, should detail examples and evidence that support claims so readers can better understand why this argument is valid
4.     Informs them of an issue and allows them to create their own opinion about it but wants them to see their argument

Textual Features

1.     Formal essay, heading, main body paragraphs, into, conclusion
2.     Claims, evidence, past research, personal experience
3.     Past research gives evidence of claim, stats, quotes, facts
4.     Gives claims, states evidence and concludes that because the stats, quotes and facts are this way it is because of this issue
5.     Organized formally in an essay
6.     Sentences that have transitions and that tie everything together in each paragraph
7.     Word choice is very important for formal essay as well as argumentative essay, concise statements, facts and quotes are all prominent

Implied or Assumed Features

1.     Understand the facts, formulate own opinion, see personal experience, be shown the facts and evidence
2.     Anyone who reads it or is exposed to it can have access
3.     Beliefs that single parent homes greatly affect the child being raised in that environment
4.     You are a product of what you’ve been taught
5.     Persuasive, fact driven

6.     This is what the facts demonstrate and this is why this issue is the way that it is, also drawn from personal experience