Monday, July 27, 2015

Artifact Analysis

I analyzed 3 different types of artifacts and used the guidelines about genres to help me, hence why the format is the same. I will bring each artifact to class, but this is the analysis I got from each of them. 

Artifact Analysis #1: Cover Letter

Context and Function:

1.     A cover letter might be set to a possible job opportunity and can give the person that you want the job from an overview of your experience and why you want to work there.
2.     This artifact usually pertains to a background of what the person’s training has been in the past. The skills and assets they have and how that could help them in their potential future job, also past experience and personal skills that could aid them in their new position.
3.     The writer in this circumstance is writing about herself, and is trying to give an overview of what her past work experience has been and how this new job can benefit from hiring her. Usually the potential boss or hirer will read this cover letter.
4.     The purpose is to get a job or at least land an interview at a potential company that you want to work for.

Textual Features:

1.     Formal, concise and to the point, direct, variety of vocabulary, short paragraphs
2.     Past work experience, personal skills, explaining an overview of themselves and why they would be a good asset for the position. It does not include slang language and is very professional.
3.     Evidence: past work experience, positive feedback on their personal responses from their work, self assessment
4.     Highly trained, great personal development skills, best fit for the job
5.     Email formant, short and to the point, formal, uses sincerely and is very professional
6.     Layout is email format, short paragraphs, direct about past experience and skills
7.     Well thought out and articulated sentences that best describe the person in a professional way
8.     Professional, concise, to the point, articulates skills, high vocabulary, no slang

Implied or assumed features

1.     Know what a good cover letter looks like and how it should be set up
2.     Professional piece of writing, not one would read it just because
3.     Believing this person is capable of the job, wanting it and articulating it in the message
4.     Professional and work experience is most important and explaining personal skills so they sound best fit for the position
5.     Formal, honest, concise, professional and a “please hire me” tone
6.     It is not directed towards to world, focuses on a professional job position

Artifact Analysis #2: Advertisement

Context and Function:

1.     Advertisement, bold colors, statement, the texts are usually minimal and the picture is usually the focal point
2.     For people who want to travel at a good price, the price is the focal point of the advertisement
3.     Traveling, special prices and offers, anyone looking to get a good airline ticket would read this advertisement
4.     Informed about a special deal, traveling to a certain place, informs them of the price and the place they could go for that specific trip

Textual Function

1.     Different sizes of fonts, some are bold others are not, the special deal and price are the focal point
2.     Price, details, trip, airplane picture
3.     The price the trip the details and dates shown
4.     The price is at 99 not at 400, deceives the brain, it’s special so that’s focused on, gives you time frame
5.     Usually they are small, with a focal point, colorful, with little wording but still gets the main idea across
6.     The layout is usually a box, words are minimal and images are seen the most
7.     Usually not more than a few words per sentence, informative but short
8.     Very direct, wants the product sold and shows info very minimally

Implied or Assumed Features

1.     That it’s a special offer and it’s a cheap flight for how far it is, they have to know how expensive flights are compared to this one, need a time frame and future details
2.     Anyone is invited
3.     Cheap, efficient and special, a “deal”
4.     Getting a flight for the cheapest amount, airline is not expressed so it may not be as important to the person
5.     Buy this deal because it is special, sell the product and make a profit
6.     This advertisement will hopefully sell to anyone that sees it

Artifact Analysis #3: Argumentative Essay

Context and Function:

1.     For an English class, usually found based on research, claims and personal experience
2.     Addresses the issues of single parent struggle and how much that directly affects the child living in that situation
3.     Persuades people to believe that it does affect a child born in this situation, should detail examples and evidence that support claims so readers can better understand why this argument is valid
4.     Informs them of an issue and allows them to create their own opinion about it but wants them to see their argument

Textual Features

1.     Formal essay, heading, main body paragraphs, into, conclusion
2.     Claims, evidence, past research, personal experience
3.     Past research gives evidence of claim, stats, quotes, facts
4.     Gives claims, states evidence and concludes that because the stats, quotes and facts are this way it is because of this issue
5.     Organized formally in an essay
6.     Sentences that have transitions and that tie everything together in each paragraph
7.     Word choice is very important for formal essay as well as argumentative essay, concise statements, facts and quotes are all prominent

Implied or Assumed Features

1.     Understand the facts, formulate own opinion, see personal experience, be shown the facts and evidence
2.     Anyone who reads it or is exposed to it can have access
3.     Beliefs that single parent homes greatly affect the child being raised in that environment
4.     You are a product of what you’ve been taught
5.     Persuasive, fact driven

6.     This is what the facts demonstrate and this is why this issue is the way that it is, also drawn from personal experience

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